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PPC Classes

PPC Classes in Burari With 100% Placement

ppc classes near me  is referred to as PPC. Under this type of online advertising, companies get charged a fee each time one of their ad is clicked. It’s a method of purchasing the traffic on the website rather than trying to earn from the website. 

Businesses set up bid value of a click in respect of the keyword used, platform and type of audience chosen. Pay Per Click method is very effective form of digital marketing technique. With correct PPC strategies used businesses can achieve great success.  

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Keywords Match Type in PPC

In Pay-Per-Click Advertising, choosing the right keyword and keyword match type is a crucial step for targeting the right audience and controlling how closely search queries must match your keywords to trigger your ads. Here are the main keyword match types used in PPC campaigns on the platforms like Google Ads etc. 

Broad Match

If someone searches for misspelled, synonyms and other pertinent variations, ads might appear. Example : If keyword entered is "women's hat", the ad might show for searches like "ladies hat", "buy female hats" or "women's accessories".

Negative Match

Ads will not be visible on the keywords that you want to exclude from the searches. This proves to be a helpful way to utilize the budget in a proper way and removes unnecessary traffic on the website.

Phrase Match

Ads that appear for searches that have a phrase or closely related variation of it with other words either before or after. Example : If keyword used is "women's hat", ad might show for searches like "buy women's hat", "women's hat for sale", but not for "hats for women".

How to use keyword match type effectively ?

1. Use a combination of match types     to balance reach and Control.
2. Monitor the search terms report to     identify irrelevant queries and add     them as negative keyword.

Exact Match

Advertisement that show for searches that match the exact term or close variations of that exact term. Example: If keyword used is "women's hats", the ad might appear fir searches like "women's hat" or "hats women" but not for "buy women's hat".

3. Optimize based on performance      of specific match type.
4. Consider updating negative    Keywords to filter non converting      keywords.

PPC Classes In Burari

Types of PPC Ads


These ads appear on search engine result pages when users look for any information on a particular keyword. This makes sure your ads will specifically shown to audience searching for that particular keywords.
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Ads known as Display Ads consist of text, images and a URL that direct viewers to a website where they can buy something or find out more information. These advertisements, which can be seen on websites are meant to draw in visitors while they browse on internet.

Video ads are a powerful form of online advertising that use video content to promote products, services, or brands. They can appear in various formats and on multiple platforms capturing users attention.
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Step By Step Guide to create PPC Campaign on Google Ads

  1. Set up an Account. 
  2. Select you Goal and Campaign Type.
  3. Choose a bidding Strategy and set your limit. 
  4. Configure your Campaign settings. 
  5. Enter your keywords and Ads Assets. .
  6. Next step is to create your Ads. 
  7. Custom your Ads Budget. 
  8. Review Your Campaign. 
Digital Marketing Course at Burari
Digital Marketing Course at Burari
Digital Marketing Course at Burari

Tools and Softwares Used for performing PPC